Laiyang cast iron square box Laizhou cast iron flat ruler manufacturer Haiyang cast iron bent plate price Cast iron square box is mainly used for inspection and marking of parallelism and verticality of parts. The square box is a cavity made of cast iron for a specific working surface There is a groove on one of the working surfaces of the cube. The environmental conditions for the square box verification are: normal temperature and humidity
Each working surface of the cast iron square box must not have rust, scratches, cracks, dents and other defects that affect the measurement performance. Non-working The surface should be sanded and painted, and the edges and chamfers should be chamfered. There should be a sign on the inner wall of the square box with specifications, dimensions, factory number, manufacturer name
Accuracy of cast iron square boxes: In addition to verifying the flatness of the scraped and developed square boxes, Use the coloring method to detect contact spots. The number of spots in a square with any side length is: Level is not less than dots, Level is not less than dots
Cast iron square box specifications: **-** When greater than the above specifications, press Request processing and production
Cast iron square box is manufactured according to.-standard materials. It is used to inspect and mark the parallelism and verticality of parts. The universal square box is used to inspect or mark any angle line of precision workpieces
Cast iron square box Specifications: (cubic/) cubic cubic cubic cubic cubic
Laiyang cast iron square box Laizhou cast iron flat ruler manufacturer Haiyang cast iron bent plate price